Purpose and principle of adding phosphate to boiler water

Erun Environmental Protection

In the operation of industrial boilers, the water quality treatment of boiler water is a crucial link. In order to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the boiler and prevent the occurrence of problems such as scaling and corrosion, a certain amount of phosphate is often added to the boiler water. This article will elaborate on the purpose and principle of adding phosphate to boiler water.

The main purpose of adding phosphates to boiler water is to prevent the formation of calcium scale and alkaline corrosion.

Preventing the formation of calcium scale: The calcium and magnesium hardness in the boiler feed water are prone to chemical reactions or concentrated crystallization under high temperature environment, forming insoluble scale, which firmly adheres to the boiler heating surface. This kind of scale is a poor conductor of heat, which will hinder heat conduction and may cause boiler tube explosion accidents in severe cases. Phosphates can combine with Ca2+, Mg2+ and other ions in water to form insoluble precipitation, thereby preventing the formation of scale.

Prevent alkaline corrosion: Alkaline corrosion refers to the chemical reaction between alkaline substances (such as sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, etc.) in boiler water and metal surfaces, leading to metal corrosion. Phosphates can react with these alkaline substances to reduce the alkalinity of boiler water, thereby preventing the occurrence of alkaline corrosion.

Reaction of phosphates with alkaline substances: Phosphates can react with alkaline substances (such as sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, etc.) in boiler water to neutralize and reduce the alkalinity of boiler water. This reaction helps reduce the occurrence of alkaline corrosion and protect the metal surface of the boiler.

In actual application, it is necessary to select the appropriate dosing method and dosage according to the specific conditions and requirements of the boiler, and pay attention to the relevant operating details and precautions. The laboratory benchtop phosphate detector analyzer ERUN-97-P2 developed, designed and produced by Erun Environmental Protection directly displays the phosphate concentration value of the water sample. The operation is convenient and fast. If you need detailed information, you can directly consult the website customer service.

Purpose and principle of adding phosphate to boiler water
