What are the possible reasons for excessive phosphates?

Erun Environmental Protection

Excessive phosphate levels may be caused by a variety of factors, including natural background values, agricultural non-point source pollution, domestic sewage and industrial wastewater discharge, etc. The following will analyze in depth the possible causes of excessive phosphate levels and put forward corresponding suggestions:

What are the possible reasons for excessive phosphates?

1.Agricultural non-point source pollution

- Fertilizer use: Excessive use of phosphorus-containing fertilizers in agricultural production causes phosphorus to enter water bodies with surface runoff, resulting in excessive phosphate levels.

- Livestock and poultry farming: Livestock and poultry manure contains high concentrations of phosphorus. Improper handling will cause phosphorus to be lost into water bodies.

- Pesticide use: The widespread use of organophosphorus pesticides is also one of the reasons for the increase in phosphate levels in water bodies.

2.Inadequate domestic sewage treatment

- Urban sewage discharge: Urban domestic sewage contains a large amount of phosphates from detergents and human excrement. It is discharged into water bodies without treatment or inadequate treatment, resulting in excessive phosphates.

- Wastewater treatment facilities: Some wastewater treatment facilities are not designed properly or operate properly, resulting in poor phosphorus removal results.

3.Industrial wastewater discharge

- Industrial activities: Certain industrial processes, such as electroless nickel plating, use the reducing agent sodium hypophosphite, which can lead to excessive levels of hypophosphite in wastewater.

- Substandard wastewater treatment: Industrial enterprises’ substandard wastewater treatment and direct discharge of phosphorus-containing wastewater are important reasons for excessive phosphate levels.

4.Urban drainage system problems

- Combined sewer system: Rainwater and sewage are discharged together. During the rainy season, the sewage system is overloaded, causing some sewage to be discharged directly into the water body without treatment.

- Old drainage network: The old drainage network has serious leakage, and sewage seeps into groundwater, affecting the phosphate content of the water body.

5.Natural background value of water body

- Geological factors: Due to geological reasons, some areas have naturally higher concentrations of phosphates in their waters.

- Soil erosion: Soil erosion causes surface phosphorus to enter water bodies along with soil particles, increasing the phosphate content.

6.envirnmental factor

- Climate change: Climate change affects the hydrological cycle and may lead to the release of more phosphorus from soil into water bodies.

- Water retention time: When water retains a long time, phosphorus accumulates, which can easily lead to excessive phosphate levels.

7.human activity

- Tourism development: Overdevelopment of tourist attractions and tourist activities may lead to an increase in phosphate levels in local water bodies.

- Fishery: The feed and fish medicine used in fishery contain phosphorus. Failure to properly control the amount of phosphorus used may cause the phosphate content in the water to exceed the standard.

In addition, after understanding the possible causes of excessive phosphate, prevention and improvement can be carried out from the following aspects:

- Strengthen agricultural management: rationally use fertilizers and pesticides, promote organic agriculture, and reduce agricultural non-point source pollution.

- Improve sewage treatment: Improve the performance of urban sewage treatment facilities, ensure phosphorus removal, and reduce direct discharge of untreated sewage.

- Strict industrial wastewater treatment: Strengthen the supervision of industrial wastewater treatment to ensure that wastewater is discharged in compliance with discharge standards.

- Transform the urban drainage system: gradually transform the combined sewer system into a separate sewer system to reduce sewage overflow during the rainy season.

- Water body ecological restoration: Carry out ecological restoration of polluted water bodies to improve the self-purification capacity of water bodies.

- Raise public awareness: Strengthen publicity and education on water resource protection to increase public awareness of phosphate pollution and their enthusiasm for participating in prevention and control.

In general, excessive phosphate is a complex environmental issue involving multiple fields and factors. To effectively solve this problem, we need to reduce emissions at the source, treat wastewater, and then restore and protect water bodies.We need to start with an accurate analysis of the phosphate content in the water. The portable phosphate quality tester produced by Erun Environmental Protection is suitable for water quality conditions in a variety of scenarios. It is equipped with a special phosphate quality test reagent and uses the colorimetric method to quickly read the value. The operation is convenient and simple. If you need specific information and quotes, you can directly consult customer service or contact number.

What are the possible reasons for excessive phosphates?
